Continuing Carey's century of life-changing opportunities

Our commitment to providing scholarships to students facing hardship and disadvantage goes back to Carey's foundation in 1923. It is a story that fills us with great pride and, in our 100th year, we are delighted to reflect on the positive impact this program has had on our scholarship recipients, which includes those from First Nations communities, refugees and those experiencing financial hardship.

Students like John West (1955), Warren Blair (1979), Felicity Shalless (2013) and Kyizom Tenzin (2018) have all had their lives changed at Carey – their stories are told in full on our website at

Whilst John's exemplary life as teacher/principal, speech pathologist, hospital chaplain, palliative care volunteer and OCGA Life Member is widely known, many are not aware that his Carey journey would not have even begun without the support of several families who collectively donated to provide a scholarship and the opportunity to change his life.

'My scholarship meant I could finish my secondary education – at that time my school in in western Victoria only went to Year 10. More than that, it gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons beyond sport to art, music and creative writing.

'Compassionate and supportive staff encouraged me to pursue my passion for cricket and football, in which I experienced some success. Student leaders who preceded me as school captains and prefects, were great role models: they were capable, gifted and led the School well.'

We have seen first hand how our scholarship program has changed lives for good, but none of this would have been possible without the generosity of our community. We are incredibly grateful for your support and the lasting impact this has on our students.

In 2023, let's continue our tradition of providing provide life-changing opportunities for the next generation of students experiencing hardship or disadvantage.

Every gift, small or large, will not only help a student facing hardship to receive a Carey education, but plays a vital role in making the world a better place for future generations.

For further information please contact Stuart Galbraith, Head of Advancement at